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James Watson Owens

July 18, 2010

OWENS, James – On Sunday, July 18th, 2010, James Watson Owens of London and formerly of Belfast, N. Ireland, at the age of 58.  Beloved husband of Janet.  Dear father of Jonathan Robert Howell Owens and his spouse Jennifer Szwec, and Lisa Jennifer Davies and her husband Jason Davies.  Loving grandfather of Madelyn Davies.  Also survived by his brother Howell Owens and his wife Norma, sister Jean Colgan, and mother-in-law Mabel Rist.  Predeceased by his parents Howell and Agnes Owens and by his father-in-law Robert Gregory Rist.  Visitation will be held on Thursday from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Westview Funeral Chapel, 709 Wonderland Road North, where the funeral service will be conducted on Friday, July 23rd, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.  In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make a donation in memory of James are asked to consider the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario or the charity of their choice.

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I knew Jim from Dow Sarnia. His Irish eyes were always smiling -- "if you know what I mean"-- as Jim would say. We had many great chats where he loved to share his insights & fisty Irish opions, which I will miss. My deepest sympathies on your loss.

~ Marty Cogswell

This is realy a bad news. Missing hard worker pepole and intelligent such as Jim Owens shocked me as well as pepole around us. Please convey my deep condolences to his family as well as his friends. Ashraf Al-Qattan EQUATE MFT-1 Leader

~ Ashraf Al-Qattan

Janet, Johnathan, Lisa, Let me say again how sorry I am for your loss. I counted Jim a friend for many years, and have had the pleasure to be around him and work with him many times over the years. I know he was proud of his family and we often shared anecdotes over the years. He recounted recently to me how much pleasure it was to be able to work from home and be able to spend time with his grandaughter. I know he will be keenly missed by me and all who had the pleasure to know him.

~ John Shields

Mrs Janet Owens and family, Please accept my sincere condolences on this sad occasion. I knew Jim as a close and personal friend, I still have very vivid memories of those winter snows in Sarnia, Midland and the warmer climates of Texas and Louisiana when we would get together during and after work and share our common experiences and dreams. I developed a deep respect for Jim's talents and his achievements at Dow and outside Dow, as does all who knew him, but more importantly to me was Jim's Integrity, he stood by his beliefs and values as a person and to me that is the rarest of gift of all,this earned my utmost respect and it gave me great pride and joy to know Jim as a person and friend. To the Owens family you have my best wishes for the future Noel Patterson Geelong, Australia

~ Noel Patterson

To the Owens family, please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. Jim was a true freiend and a great person to have worked with. He will be greatly missed at Dow, but his impact will live on for years as he was a true pioneer in the discipline of reliability modeling. Jim was always so full of life, there was never a dull moment when you werer with Jim. Jim would always call me to talk, at least once a week, which showed how hard he worked to foster and develop relationships with folks. It was a true pleasure and an honor to have been his friend!

~ Eric Foger

To the Owens family - my deepest sympathy to all of you. I had the pleasure of sitting two offices down from Jim at Dow Vidal in the Maintenance Bldg and I feel like I know all of you. There was never a dull moment when Jim was around. Our group spent many lunches and breaks together listening to Jim's stories. He was so proud of all of you. Janet - he always referred to you as his Misses and I loved when he called you that! He would tell us stories about the triathlons you participated in and show us pictures of the races. Lisa - he was so proud when you became a nurse. He would always comment on your study habits. How dedicated you were! Jonathon - your father always commented on how intelligent you were. I will never forget the story he told us about a seminar he was able to sit in on at one of the Universities. You were one of the guest speakers. He was one proud Dad that day!!!! Mabel - Jim always told us stories about your artistic talent, and what vacation you were taking next. He would tell us about your paintings and how wonderful they were. Little Maddie - Oh, how happy was your Grandfather the day you were born!! He shared lots of pictures of you with us. I will never forget Jim - he made me laugh everyday. Take care all of you.

~ Wendy Nienhuis

I feel blessed to have known Jim and become his friend. Although Jim and I only worked six months together he easily turned work into a long term friendship. Jim liked the work but thrived on the friendships he would create and he was great at it. He shared so much laughter, honesty and fun for life that you couldn't help but want to be his friend. Whether it was the many phone chats we had or the occasional opportunities to meet through work I always felt better for talking with Jim. He had a passion for living and sharing his experiences. Through his passion for life he truly made a difference in so many lives, he will be dearly missed but never forgotten. My prayers are with you Janet, Jonathan, Lisa, Madelyn and your families.

~ Brad Jones

Jim was a loyal customer for years and a true friend. It was always a pleasure to be involved in any "mission" with Jim. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss.

~ Robert Reilly

To Jim's family - my deepest condolences on Jim's passing. I had the pleasure to have known Jim for the past 10 years when we first started working together on the Plaquemine project. He taught me a lot and his honesty and integrity were always front and centre. I will miss our regular conversations on various projects and issues. I considered Jim a good friend and will miss him.

~ David Gillett

I offer my deepest sympathies to the Owens family. I first met Jim in 2001 on a business trip... what a character! Our paths didn't cross again for a couple of years, but when they did, I certainly remembered him. We subsequently worked off and on over the next seven years. I will miss his impromptu phone calls just to see how I was doing or to find out what I was currently working on. Jim was a wonderful colleague, and challenging mentor, and of course, a sincere friend. You could always count on him to tell you straight up what he was thinking. We will certainly miss him.

~ Michael Futschik

Dear Janet and family my deepest condolences. Jim and I worked together at Dow and I always considered him more than a colleague, a friend. He had a great sense of humor and was a pleasure to travel with. Jim will be missed.

~ Mike Rogers

My deepest sympathy to you Janet and your family. I was fortunate to reside in the same office building as Jim in Sarnia for many years. His stories and humor will forever make me smile!!! He was just so full of life and so proud of you all. I enjoyed the many chats and Irish insight he would provide. He will be missed.

~ Kim Kirby

Please accept my profound sympathy on your loss. I worked with Jim in the Maintnenace Technology Center for several years and it was always the utmost pleasure. Jim's intellignece, wit and strength of character will be sorely missed.

~ David Barber

My deepest condolences to Jim's family. Jim was a wonderful collegue and a friend. I have known him for many years and I will miss his enthusiastic way to work with, his technical support and his sence of humor. It was always a great pleasure to chat with him. I will miss him.

~ Hans Behrens

Jim was my big brother i will miss him so much .i just think back when we were young .I know that jim is with my mum and dad .

~ jean colgan

Its been more than 1 yr already, and I still miss you every day Jim. The things you've left behind continue to grow and thrive as a living testament to your legacy. God Bless, and keep us all in your prayers! Janet, Lisa, John, and all of the Owens family and friends, I hope you are all doing well and know that you are still thought of and in our prayers every day.

~ Scott Miller

(Donated to Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario)

~ Brad Jones

(Donated to Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario)

~ Greg and Helen

(Donated to Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario)

~ Electrozad Supply Company (Sarnia) Limited, In loving memory of Jim.

(Donated to Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario)

~ Michael Futschik

You have my deepest sympathy and condolences. I am going to miss Jim's expressive nature, his optimistic outlook, his sense of humor, his ability to have fun in the midst of challenge and his ability to engage in debate with us on any topic he was passionate about. As you can see by the many expressions of sympathy, Jim was a valued colleague, teacher, mentor, and friend to many at The Dow Chemical Company. He will be truly missed. He is one of those people I will never forget!

~ Kevin Noble

I work for Dow Chemical in Houston Texas. I worked with Jim over many years, and I always found him to be an intelligent and able co-worker, and a real pleasure to work with as well. His passion for reliability modeling was a great benefit to Dow. He will be very much missed in Dow as well as by his family.

~ Carl Fredericks

Jim will always be remembered as a passionate, caring friend and co-worker who always placed his heart for his his family and for his work first and foremost in his life. He was a friend who always cared, shared, and was corageous enough to provide challenging but always encouraging input. I am forever changed by his friendship, he was someone who I could always count on, and who taught me a lot, both at work and in life. I will always appreciate and remember his sense of humor, his knowledge, and his passion, and will miss our weekly, sometimes daily chats. He is sorely missed, but will never be forgotten - His friendship has blessed me more than I can articulate. My prayers are with Janet, Jonathan, Lisa, Madelyn and the rest of the family - for comfort, healing, and understanding.

~ Daniel Deans

My condolences to all of Jim's family. Jim will be sorely missed here at Dow. Not only did he have our utmost respect for his technical expertise... many of us counted him as a good friend. We will miss his passion for modeling... no other individual did as much as Jim to progress this science across Dow. We will miss his sense of humor. He has left a mark on this company that will not be forgotten. My prayers go out to each of you.

~ Kevin Bauman

Jim will always be remembered as a passionate, caring friend and co-worker who always placed his heart for his his family and for his work first and foremost in his life. He was a friend who always cared, shared, and was corageous enough to provide challenging but always encouraging input. I am forever changed by his friendship, he was someone who I could always count on, and who taught me a lot, both at work and in life. I will always appreciate and remember his sense of humor, his knowledge, and his passion, and will miss our weekly, sometimes daily chats. He is sorely missed, but will never be forgotten - His friendship has blessed me more than I can articulate. My prayers are with Janet, Jonathan, Lisa, Madelyn and the rest of the family - for comfort, healing, and understanding.

~ Daniel Deans

I've known and worked with Jim for more than 25 years. You were passionate about what you did, meticulous about your results and always had a way to put our work into proper perspective. You will be sadly missed. Janet my prayers go out to you and your family.

~ Marian S. Pietrasik

My sincerest condolences to Jim's family. I'm glad I met him when he came to Plaquemine Louisiana to teach us about Reliability Modeling. He was truly a blessed individual with the passion to teach others. My thoughts and prayers will be with Jim's family.

~ Juan Albarran

I knew Jim for about a year, working closely with him on the DOW RTIP project. I will truly miss him. I feel like I've known Jim for many years. He provided a lot of guidance and wisdom to me over the last year, but not only that, I considered him my friend. I will miss the frequent calls, Emails, his joyful humor, his coaching, and most of all his friendship. Each time Jim's work would bring him to the New Orleans area we would meet for several hours over dinner and catch up on family, politics, and work. I felt like Jim was part of my family. He will truly be missed. He talked very highly of his family and my prayers go out to each of you.

~ Stephen Koester

My condolences to all of Jim's family and friends. Jim was a good friend over the years and will be dearly missed. I will always fondly remember my travels and adventures with Jim, his uplifting sense of humor, and his passion for his work.

~ Mark Hodnett

Deepest condolences to Jim's family. I had the pleasure of working with Jim on several projects for Dow. While he was extraordinarily capable professionally, what stand out equally are his character and engaging personality. He was a great guy to be around, and I will miss him.

~ Bob Patterson

Jim will be sadly missed by us and we will remember all the good times. He was taken much to young. Your friends John and Brenda Shields Houston, Texas

~ John and Brenda Shields

Jim was an amazing individual who always took the time to share a few kind words and funny stories. I was blessed enough to meet him at black belt training and have enjoyed his friendship ever since. He pioneered using the six sigma process for modeling and was a great mentor to many. I was just telling some friends that he taught me the proper pronunciation of a particular Irish beer on Sunday night. I was so saddened to hear that we would no longer be blessed with his presence the following day. So, let us all toast him with our beverage of choice for a life well-lived.

~ Diana Miles

My condolences and thoughts to Janet and family. Although we will all miss him as a genuine friend the loss for the family is enormous. Jim was so much looking forward to retirement and would enthusiastically talk about his many plans and spending time with family. I have known Jim for many years though his involvement and excellent work he did in Asia Pacific - especially in China and Malaysia. He has provided enthusiastic coaching and mentoring for many young engineers in this part of the world and is respected greatly for his technical support and just being a great guy and friend to everyone. He often would just call me to see how his "mate from Downunder" was going. It was always a great pleasure to chat with Jim and we all looked forward to meeting up with him and having a beer and sharing a good yarn. We will all miss Jim but he has left us great memories and fun times that will not be forgotten.

~ Angelo Lucia

My condolences to Jim's family and friends. With a number of reliability modeling projects I worked together with Jim. I remember his enthousiasm and sense of humor.

~ Alex Wilbrink

Deepest condolences to Jim's family. I had the pleasure of working with Jim on Dragon projects of ZJG site China. He has provided enthusiastic coaching and mentoring for me. Jim was a valued colleague, teacher, mentor, and friend to me. He was a great guy to be around, and I will miss him.

~ Zhang lu

Sincere condolences and best wishes to Janet, family and close friends. I had the pleasure of knowing Jim through our many discussions on how best to engineer projects in far flung reaches of Asia Pacific - particularly China. His expertise and practical approach to issues along with his ability to connect with people made Jim a respected mentor and coach. Although I hadn't seen him in a while he somehow seemed aware of my challenges and personal situation and always had a kind word to offer. He will be missed by many and remembered by all that he touched.

~ Andrew Gibb (Australia)

Janet, Jon, Lisa, Madelyn and the rest of the Owens family - please accept my deepest sympathy. Your loss is shared by all who knew Jim. He is an irreplaceable part of many of our lives here at Dow, leaving a legacy that will be long discussed and fondly remembered. Jim was a very passionate and compassionate man that was willing to share his heart and extend his friendship well beyond the work relationships he had. I remember talking to him about many things besides work: family, Dads, raising teenagers, boyfriends and girlfriends, life, travels, world politics, Canada vs. US, the cultures of the world. We laughed about quotes from his dad, Howell - two of which I wrote down and have kept: "God gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason" (very appropriate for both Jim and I!), and "Take time to laugh, it's the music of the soul". We could start every conversation with "I only have a couple of minutes" and end up talking for an hour. He was proud of you all - your triumphs and your passions - whether school or career, running, or whatever life presented. He was always friendly, but willing to stand his ground for what he believed in. We will miss his big smile and "hello". We will always have his insight and perspective since the time he spent with us has made us better. His challenge to us is surely to live life with the same passion he lived out each day, and to share ourselves and our hearts with those around us. We extend our deepest condolences to you through these toughest of times, Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you always. - Matt Morrison and family

~ Matt Morrison

Jim's passing is an enormous loss to the family... as a colleague I will also miss him. Jim was sincere, open-minded, spoke his mind, was respectful, had a warm personality and sense of humor... he was a very nice person to work with and to be with. I wish Janet and the family strength in these trying times.

~ Marcel de Beaumont

Jim was a customer of Electrozad where we worked with him on the plant in China. Jim was always honest, intelligent and straight forward in his dealings and we appreciated the relationship very much. My oldest brother also knew Jim through business over 25 years ago. He always spoke very highly of Jim and his integrity and of course we found that to be also. He will be missed by our industry as a whole.

~ Jeff Will

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Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario

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