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Capt. R.H. (Bob) Mahar

September 29, 2011

At Parkwood Hospital on Thursday, September 29th, 2011, Capt. R.H. “Bob” Mahar of London in his 93rd year. Husband of the late Sally Mahar (1999). Loving dad of Bob (Ann) of Fort Benning, GA, Don (Carol Anne) of Ottawa, Dave of London, Ralph (Sonja) of Ottawa, the late Mary Lynn (1945) and the late Lynda (2003). Dear brother of Vince (Babe) and Ray (Dora), all of Charlottetown. Predeceased by his brothers, Lorne, Reg, Howard and Freeman. Loving grandpa to Cathie, Mike, Scott, Chelsea and Tim and great-grandpa to Lexy, George, Ashlyn, Austin, Kyle, Gibson and Elle. Bob was a life-long Infantryman, a veteran of WWII, a Rifle Company Commander (Charles Company) in 1 RCR in Korea 1952-53, spent 13 months in Vietnam 1962-63 and was the Director of Social Services with the City of London 1970-83. He was our Hero. Visitation will be held on Monday from 2:00-4:00 and 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the WESTVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL, 709 Wonderland Road North, London, where the funeral service will be conducted on Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. Interment, St. Peter’s Cemetery. Those wishing to make a donation in memory of Robert are asked to consider the St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation for Veteran’s Care and Comfort Fund. We wish also to express our heartfelt thanks to the medical team of Parkwood Hospital, 4B West for the outstanding care provided for our father for almost three years.

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My sincere condolences to the Mahar family. Bob Sr. was such a gentleman who provided me with great comfort and understanding over many, many years. As an Honorary member of The RCR Museum Board of Directors I want to acknowledge the outstanding contribution of Bob to the Museum, not only as a fellow Honorary member, but also for his wise counsel in the early days of the Museum. Bob Mahar will be remembered with great respect and love.

~ Barbara Ivey

Dear Ralph and Don, please accept our deep condolences with a loss of your father. Although we have never met Capt. R.H. Mahar, on many occassions we had heard from you, his loving and caring sons, how much he was loved and respected in life by people who had known Him. His personal military contribution in promoting peace for Freedom in foreiign countries has surely been appreciated in Canada. We are sure Capt. Mahar was very proud of both of you, of your profession and the strong united families you have built over years. God bless his soul. God bless you. With Love, Steve & Margaret Melanson, Sarnia, ON.

~ Steve and Margaret Melanson, Sarnia, ON

Bob & Anne and Family, no words can ever make up for the loss of such a great warrior, please know that our family is thinking of you and yours during this time of morning and reflection. May god bless you and your family.

~ The Morgan Family, Cataula, GA

Dear Ralph, Sonja, Chelsea, Tim and heartfelt condolences. I know that you were all very proud of him, and I hope that his love and the fond memories he generates gives you the strength to pull through this difficult time. Much love, Clara

~ Clara Parolini

Dear Ralph and family, I am very sorry to read of the loss of your father. I remember how warm and kind your Mom and Dad were when we were kids hanging out at your home and I sensed then how proud you were of your father. My very best regards to you and your brothers. David Smith (71st B Cub Pack)

~ David Smith

Bob,Don,Dave,Ralph and families. I learned of the 'last dismisal' of Bob Snr today and I wanted to express, and offer, my condolences to you all. I remember Capt Bob (and Sally) as a great example of an RCR officer and family man who together with Sally made this then junior officer very welcome to their home in London and to The Regiment. He will be sorely missed and greatly remembered! Sandy

~ A.D. (Sandy) McQuarrie

Bob, Ann and Family. Please know that I am thinking of you today as you say goodbye to Dad Mahar.

~ Sarah Bullard Cataula, GA

Dear Bob, Don, Dave and Ralph I never had the privilege of meeting your father; however I feel I know a little about one year of his long life. I have spent the past month reading references to Captain Mahar in the "War Diaries of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment"(Korea) He was respected by the men who served under him. I was most impressed by your father's ingenuity in devising a foldable stretcher that could be carried back pack style by one soldier, often for as much as two miles in rugged terrain in order to bring out casualties in a timely manner. This was critical in saving lives. I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to all of you on the passing of your father. Catherine Stevens

~ Catherine Stevens

Dear Bob and family, I am sorry to hear of the passing of your father. I have fond memories of serving under him and visiting your home with you in the late 1950's while I was stationed in London with 2RCR. Joe Hubert

~ Joe Hubert

My sympathy to the Mahar family. I met Bob many years ago in the 70s as a young social worker. It brought a smile to my face to see his face in the newspaper and it brought back memories of him who I called regularly with my special requests for someone on my caseload who was living in poverty. Bob made every effort to help me make life better for my clients. I dare say he sometimes "bent the rules " a bit to accommodate particular needs. I have often thought of him over the years and remembered him fondly and with gratitude. A great man.

~ Elizabeth Sexton

Bob,Don,Dave,Ralph and families, please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of your dad.. You are certainly blessed to have had such a man in your lives. We hope you find some comfort in the love and support of family and friends at this very sad time. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers... May God bless you.

~ Kevin and Cindi MacDonald

Bob and Ann and Family: I was so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sally

~ Sally Quesenberry

Dear Bob and Don, and all of the extended Mahar families ... I am sorry that I only learned tonight of Bob Sr.'s passing, in a note from Walter Holmes. As many have written above, Bob Sr. was one of those who epitomized The Regiment to following generations, along with those others lost to us so recently. Wishing you all peace in your loss, and the blessings of so many wonderful memories. Brian

~ Brian Colgate

Sincere Condolences to the Mahag family, Most sincerely, Grahem & Elayne

~ Grahem Meharg

Dear Bob, Ann, and family: We were very sorry to hear about the passing of your Dad. We all know he was a remarkable man, who set a great example to all. Liz and I hope that the many memories and his great example give you comfort. We have you all in our prayers.

~ Al & Lizbeth Lugo- Cataula, Georgia

I hope I'm not too late to send my condolences to Don & family. My dad, Bill McBean had cut the announcement out of the paper & showed it to me at Thanksgiving. He wanted you to know he & your dad had alot of good times together (usually at the Mess). I think that means - what happened at the Mess, stayed at the Mess. He'll be 92 in Nov. & is still driving his car. Our parents really had a wonderful life in the Army (after the war), everyone seemed like family. It was a bond, wherever you were posted , you knew someone. We are very lucky to have such great parents who showed us the way. If you're in London look Jim & I up.

~ Karen Diamond (McBean)

(Donated to St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation for Veteran's Care and Comfort Fund)


(Donated to St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation for Veteran's Care and Comfort Fund)

~ Ron & Colleen MacKay

(Donated to St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation for Veteran's Care and Comfort Fund)

~ Gary & Eleanor Morgan

(Donated to St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation for Veteran's Care and Comfort Fund)


Bob (Jr.) - Elizabeth and I extend our sincerest condolences to you and all members of the family. God bless, Thomas.

~ Thomas & Elizabeth Geburt, Oromocto, N.B.

My condolences to the Mahar family on the loss of your dad. My prayers and thoughts are with you at this time5

~ gail mair

Bob: Deb and I extend our sincerest condolences to you and your family. Your Dad epitomized the concept of the Regimental Family for me and he and his ilk me feel a part of that family from the day I arrived at the Regimental Home Station. My thoughts are with you.

~ Bob Lidstone

Grace and Peace.

~ Mac and Shirley Campbell, Australia

Don, Carol Ann (and extended family): our thoughs and prayers are with you during this difficult time. We know of your father as a just and upright man; someone to be proud of ... as, we're sure, he was of you. May he stand tall and march forward to his after-life. Bravo Zulu!

~ Gary & Eleanor MORGAN

Jill and I extend our most sincere condolences to the Mahar family on the passing of your father but particularly to Bob Jr, my friend from 1952 in Petawawa and the very many occasions when our paths have crossed in and out uniform since then. Bob Snr was the first member of the ‘Old Guard’ to welcome me to the Home Station Mess in 1965 as a newly commissioned officer- an act that typified his warm and welcoming nature. I know that the mutual support of each of you and the love of your friends will see you through this difficult time. God bless, Al

~ Allan Peterson

Dave and family Sorry for your loss- will keep you in our prayers.

~ Gar Shaw & family

Bob and Sally Mahar and their family have been friends of our family for longer than I can remember. True friendship which lasts forever and which covers long absences and joyful returns. The Regiment remains the home within which we all move about, not always in each others' pockets, but always bonded by the shared experiences. Bob and Sally are now both with Hugh, Alex, and Nikki, probably drinking a rum and coke and sitting watching a sunset. While we are not yet with them ourselves, we wish them all the happiness that reunion can bring. To the rest of the Mahars we pass along our sympathies and condolences, and the hopes that their sorrow in the departure of Bob is alleviated by the shared love of many friends. From Sean & Terri, Pat & Janet, Megan, Michael, and Cathy

~ Patrick Rossiter

Dave - so sorry to hear about your Dad. Thoughts and prayers, Tanya

~ Tanya Wickett and Family

Bob, please accept my sincere condolences to you and the Mahar family on your father’s passing. Like you, on many occasions, I crossed the hall at 4 B West with my father, George, so he could visit with his good friend Bob. The bond these two old soldiers shared was evident and I believe of importance and comfort to them both. They truly were “Royal Canadians” who will be fondly remembered.

~ Ron Fox

Dave and family ,sorry for you loss.I had the honour of meeting your dad and sister.A great man and a great woman.We thank Captain Mahar for his services!!!!love to all your family. Tony,Deb,Ty,Amanda,Emma, and of course Minnie xoxoxo

~ deb denton

Bob, Don, David, Ralph and families. So sorry for the loss of your dad. We have fond memories of Uncle Bobby's visits to PEI and he will be missed. Wish we could be there with you. We are keeping you all in our prayers. XOXOXOXOXO

~ Ron & Colleen MacKay

Don and Ralph, my condolences to you and your brothers and your families. Don, from what you have said of your dad in conversations, there are many good memories to recall in celebrating his life. I regret I only had the pleasure of meeting your dad on one occasion, that night at the NAC in Ottawa when I got to talk with the man who had worked many years ago with my early idol, Hank Snow. God bless, Dennis

~ Dennis Holmes

Dave , Bob Jr, and families, So very sorry for your loss. I had the honour of working with your father when he was the Administration Officer of The Regimental Depot back in the 1960s . A fine officer ,and gentleman, a credit to the Regiment. He will be remembered .

~ Bill

Dear Don and Carol Ann, Our thoughts are with you and the Mahar family during this sad time. Being retired from the Military I have great respect for veterans especially those having been tested in Foreign Wars. Your father had a distinguished and long life for which you can be gratefull. He has left this earth but he will always be in your hearts. Remember him fondly always. Our love to you both.

~ Harold (Sonny) and Jane Stevens

Condolences to Dave and family. What a full long , busy life your father had! It doesn't seem possible that almost three years has passed since your father's move to Parkwood. Colin and Barb, Otterville, ON

~ Colin and Barbara Cope

I always refer to Capt. Bob Mahar as Bob Senior because his son Bob Junior is my contemporary. Bob Senior was the epitome of the RCR regimental family. He in every way extolled by his example the best of the RCR tradition. His service covers WWII, Korea and UN duties in Vietnam. His service also covers some of the best years and elan of the RCR for which is greatly responsible for its high standards. Unfortunately I cannot be at the funeral but I will be there in spirit and will always fondly remember Bob Senior as one of my models of what a soldier should be. Pro Patria Bob Senior. Rest in peace. Tom Thorne

~ Tom Thorne

From all the members or our Branch; we extend our heartfelt condolences to your family. Captain Bob Mahar is in our thoughts and prayers.

~ CWO Bobby Girouard Alberta Branch RCR Association

Bob & Anne and Family: May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead. Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear. May God give you the strength to overcome the pain. While we never met Bob the senior in person, we have clearly known this great man through Bob the junior You all are in our thoughts. Please know how much you are loved and how deeply your loss is felt by all. Your good friends in Georgia. Rest in eternal peace Capt Mahar ... God bless you.

~ Bob & Shelia Brown, Midland Georgia

Please accept our most sincere condolences on the loss of a kind and loving man. I regret not having seen him for many years. However, when I did see him it was a pleasure. Your family is certainly blessed to have had him in your lives. God bless you all... Love Janet, Ron and family

~ Ron & Janet Brown. Peterborough On.

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St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation for Veteran’s Care and Comfort Fund

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