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Anita Audrey Dell

January 10, 2011

Went to be with the Lord on Monday, January 10th, 2011 at University Hospital in London, Ontario in her 81st year. Beloved wife of 62 years to John Dell (his lifelong accompanist, sweetheart and best friend). Loving mother of Karen (Dave) Cunningham, James (Sharon), John (Jo-Ann), Joel (Becky) and Jeffrey (Mari-Lynn). Dear grandmother of Stephanie (Jamie) Lloyd, Amber (Quillan) Quarrington, Jordan Cunningham, Alyse, Shawn, Jackie, Garrett, Jonathan, Bryson, Chelsea, Adin, Aaron, Alexander, Anderson and Sarah. Great-grandmother to Sydney and Ethan. Fondly remembered by brothers Bob (Yvonne) Reid, Dr. William (Linda) Reid and Gerry (Val) Reid. Predeceased by mother and father Frank and Audrey Reid, brother Frank and his wife Marg and great-granddaughter Jocelyn. Cremation has taken place. Her passions included writing poetry, family history, making music with her Dell Family, reading books and each day living and walking with God. She has touched so many lives. A memorial worship celebration will be led by Rob and Wendy Richardson and New Song Fellowship to be held at Byron United Covenant Church at 420 Boler Road, London, on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. She has a favorite verse in Romans 8:38-39.

In her own words:

Our hope is in the One

Whose Word has spoken of this day

His people know the victory’s won

The Cross has forged the WAY

We are so grateful to the cousins, extended family, friends, co-workers at the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services and her church family who loved and stood with her in faith over the years. Those wishing to make a donation in memory of Anita are asked to consider World Vision or the London Ontario Ark Aid. The family would like to express their sincerest appreciation to University Hospital and Westview Funeral Chapel for their sensitivity and loving care they extended to us.  All are invited to join the celebration of her life, share thoughts or memories by posting at >

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John, Joel, Becky and family, My thoughts are with you at this time, and I would like to express my deepest condolences. You are all in my prayers. Sincerely Katie.

~ Katie Komarnicky

To John and your family: We are very sorry to hear of Anita's passing and send your our condolences at this unhappy time. Jeff and Brigitte Dell, Keswick ON

~ Jeff and Brigitte Dell

We are thinking of you all, dear friends. It is very hard to say good-bye to a beloved mom. Hilary and David are sending their love from England as well.

~ Wendy Donaldson

To the Dell Family: I would like to extend to you my deepest sympathy at this time of extreme sadness for your entire family. My prayers are with you at this time of sorrow.


To the entire Dell Family, John, my deepest condolences at the loss of you sweetheart. Anita, was one of the nicest ladies I had the great honor of meeting. She has left us to join the other angels in heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with you John & Joel, Becky and the entire Dell family at this time. Anita, you will be greatly missed but never forgotten.

~ Alana Rapacz

We are thinking of and praying for you all. It was a shock to hear at orchestra practice Monday, that Bob had just received the call that his sister had gone to be with her Lord. We trust and pray that you all will be comforted with the assurance that she is with the Lord, praising Him and continuing to walk with Him. We also trust that the many wonderful memories you have will be a comfort. Sincerely, Carol and Gerry Brock

~ Carol and Gerry Brock

Of all the friends we have made over the years, the Dell family remains among our nearest and dearest . Beginning in Calgary, continuing in London, and then in various places thereafter, we were as close as any two families could have been. The music we shared, the vacations together at Blue Mountain Lodge and Girdwood's cottage, the Christmas Eve carol sings at the Dells, seeing our children grow - these are among the unforgettable the memories which we cherish, and so frequently reminisce about. We always regarded Anita as the model Wife and Mother. She was hard-working, lovely, vivacious, energetic, talented, kind, loving and caring - a woman who continually looked on the bright side. Although her life was not always "a bowl of cherries", she never complained. She was totally about family. Her home was always welcoming - no-one ever felt like a stranger in her house. It is no wonder that she was adored not only by her family, but by all those who knew her. She was a wonderful lady, and we will miss her very much.

~ Ann and Peter Sutterlin

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May your beautiful mom/grandmother live on in all of your hearts. May you keep her in your love as she keeps you.

~ Deb Finlayson, Ian Mirlin and the girls

We are deeply touched by your beautiful comments about this incredible lady. We remember her with fondness and utmost respect for the rich and giving life that she led. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and with her family.

~ John & Eva Cowhig

Dear John and family, I would like to express my deepest condolences. I am so sorry that Anita has passed. When I picture her in my mind's eye I can see her warm hearted smile and I remember her laughter vividly. It was infectious. She was a wonderful generous lady and a really true friend to my mom and Jim. My mom brightened at the sound of her voice on the phone when she would call. I have many, many photos depicting the fabulous times all of you shared together. There aren't very many that don't show all of you laughing with your heads tilted back in utter joy. I know in my heart that she is with them and that Jim and Ania welcomed her with open arms. With our love, Lara & Dave

~ Lara & Dave

Dell Family: Our thoughts go out to you all for your loss. Mrs. Dell was always great with all of us Sing-Out "Kids", and always accepted me as family any time we were all together. Her legacy will continue with all of you and the great attributes and gifts you bring to all around you. For those of us who have already lost our mothers, not a day go by that we don't think of them in love. I hope to attend your memorial event on the 22nd to celebrate Mrs. Dell's life, and see you all again! Roberta Fox & Stephen Lawson, Mount Albert, ON

~ Roberta Fox (Robbie) & Stephen Lawson

D ear John and family. She was a wonderful lady, Anyone who met her loved her,She was the kindest person and never had anything wrong to say about anyone. She always looked for the good in people. was so nice talking to you and Joel today,So sorry we cant get down. Love Irwin and Jean.

~ Jean and Irwin woodward

Dear John & family: Anita was certainly a wonderful lady and an inspiration to many. We have been out of touch for some time, so it was a shock to hear of her passing. Please accept our sincere condolences.

~ Barbara and Paul Zudel

I wish to give a big embrace to all the incredible people who've sent such encouraging words. I am reading them to Dad and he is overwhelmed, comforted, blessed and encouraged. Mom and Dad always implanted the thought that Family and Friends are hidden treasures, so we should seek them and enjoy their riches. We have been enriched and made wealthy by you all! Please join our gathering at Byron United Covenant Church at 420 Boler Road, London, this Saturday at 1:30 p.m ... to celebrate the lifetime of love received from a wonderful lady .. MOM.

~ Joel Dell

We would like to express our deepest condolences. We will always remember cousin Anita's beautiful and genuine smile that touched right to the heart! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

~ Arlene and Jim Powell

To the Dell family-- My sister and I were deeply saddened to hear of your loss of Anita. Both of us remember her as a bright light when she walked into a room... her infectious and beautiful smile and the purity of her soul. Your are right Joel--FAMILY is a hidden treasure --and Anita was the "glue" that enabled you to enjoy the richness of an incredible family you speak of-- a family that we have always respected and admired. All of us have been touched by her in some personal way in our lives. May God grant you peace and comfort knowing she is now with Her Lord.

~ Julie Ryder & Jamie Miles

(Donated to Ark Aid)

~ Audrey Knight

(Donated to London Ontario Ark Aid)

~ Deb Woodward and Hugh Burdon

(Donated to London Ontario Ark Aid)

~ Drive Agency

(Donated to London Ontario Ark Aid)

~ Arlene Powell,Iim Powell

To the Dell Family: Our sincere condolences to all of you, she was a wonderful woman who always made us feel comfortable to be around her. I'll fondly remember her playing the piano to Mr. Dell's booming voice and that being the highlight of the musical nights at Jeff and Mari-Lynn's place. RIP.

~ Kelly and Norm Cole

My deepest sympathy to the family on the loss of this beautiful lady. I was fortunate to make contact with her less than three years ago when I asked her to help with our book about the pioneer families of Hearst Ontario and she contributed three stories. She also helped with our project of identifying school class pictures going back to 1938. I enjoyed our regular email correspondence which made it seem that I had known her much longer than I had. I was also happy to meet her in person at the reunion in Hearst in August 2009. Thanks Anita for your constant good humour and assistance on our projects. Ernie Bies, Ottawa Ontario (Clayton's Kids Committee)

~ Ernie Bies

To the Dell family: a lovely lady has just left us to be with our Lord. During the tie we were doing Oliver and Showboat at the Grand Theatre, she was always our helper in so may ways - always with that beautiful smile for everyone. You will be greatly missed, Anita Audrey. With my condolences and love. Audrey Knight

~ Audrey Knight

Dearest John + family I was deeply saddened to hear of Anita's passing.She was a women who inspired me to be the best I could be, and although our paths haven't crossed very often in these past few years, I still think of you both everyday. We have a wonderful picture of the two of you taken at your 50th anniversary that sits on my cabinet with the rest of our family pictures. I will forever treasure the kindness that you showed me when I came to stay with you for a month while Mom was in the hospital 39 years ago. Anita treated me like one of the family and taught me the importance of love in the family. Thankyou Jeff for teaching me chess. On Monday we received the Dell-o-gram.I had promised myself to go visit you yesterday, but a family emergency prevented that. You will live forever in my heart , Anita Love Shelley + family

~ Shelley McColl

To the whole dell family my sympathy on the death of your mother wife and grandmother. I had just reconnected with her after many years and she was a truly great lady who will be missed by everyone. You are in my thoughts and prayers

~ gail mair

Dear John and Family,Bob,Bill,Gerry and families. I was very saddened to read of Anita,s death. My heart and love goes out to all of you. I was happy to be able to connect with Anita, John and Joel at the Hearst School Reunion. Wish I could be there in person but I will be with in Heart. Love Gail

~ Gail Larstone Wills

Dear John and family .. I feel I have lost a sister since we have known one another since we were twelve years old when she was my dearest friend as we both struggled to adjust to a new school system/culture in Niagara Falls.. Her friendship was always a treasure .and although we did not see one another often in the years following when our paths went in different directions ..when we did reconnect we were once again those two little girls . Much love to the family .. you are in our hearts in these days of sorrow .. May the God of comfort ease your heart pain. Richard joins me in wishing you God's peace. much love Gloria

~ Gloria Sullivan-Lambert

Very Sad to hear about this, Jim & Sharon. I clearly remember the brief, yet pleasant conversation I had with her at Stone Church. We will try to make it to the funeral. You are all in our prayers - Mathew, Joanne, Hannah & Emma.

~ Mathew John

My sincere condolences to the Dell family. I have many fond memories of Anita from her years in Niagara Falls.

~ Norma Wilson

Remembering the good times......

~ Betty & Ted Corkery

I am so sorry for your loss. May "the God of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3,4) comfort and soothe your heart. His promises, found in the Holy Scriptures, can offer much hope. It assures us at John 5:28,29 that our loved ones will be remembered and brought back to life in the resurrection. Please allow God's Word to strengthen you and help you to endure this most difficult time.

~ S Ford

Although blessed with a loving husband and large and talented family, Anita and John had room to take our son Jeff into their hearts and family at a critical time in his young life. We are forever beholden to Anita and the Dell family. Elaine and Albert Ste Marie

~ Elaine and Albert Ste Marie

ANITA was such a true and loving friend, and with her loving husband and family and on her own, did so much for so many. We know she is with Jesus and is a shining light in Heaven. Our (my Murray is with her) caring thoughts are with you John and with you Karen, and with the 4 wonderful sons she brought into the world - together with all their families. We know one day we shall all be together again. May our loving and faithful Father in Heaven be very close to all of you. May Jesus give you strength and guidance in the days ahead, which will be difficult. Anita showed her love for her large and loving family in so many things she did and said. She was a beautiful "lady". I loved her dearly. Georgie Campbell


Childhood memories of my wonderful "Aunt Anita" are of a person that was full of unconditional love. Her goodness, kindness and warmth are vivid to me. Despite years and distance between visits, Anita always welcomed me with open arms and heart. I'm happy that I saw her recently, and she met my fiance Bob, and she knew my son Kenji. The large family she left behind is full of the legacy of her goodness and faith.

~ Suzie Nicks

"Mrs. Dell" will always be linked with so many wonderful memories of growing up in Calgary when the 3 families - the Dells, the Schnells, and the Halversons - kept that corner in Spruce Cliff hopping with activity and fun. I only wish I had had the opportunity to know her as an adult. The comments above and those on Facebook reflect what a wonderful person she truly was. My heart is filled with these wonderful memories but also with sincere sympathy for "Mr. Dell", the "Dell Kids" and all the inlaws and grandchildren that followed the Spruce Cliff years. hope to be sing a song or two around her piano again when we all get to heaven.

~ Merlette Schnell, Calgary

My condolences to you John, and the whole Dell Family. Anita was a 'Beautiful, loving, spiritual' lady, and had so much class. I loved her dearly. She was always a joy to be around. Everytime I would come to London and see the New Song Fellowhsip Family, she always had her arms wide open. Thank you Anita for that, you will be surely missed. The memories of her will always be within my heart. May Jesus and our loving Father be with now and forever, through these difficult times ahead. Peace be within your hearts.

~ Ruth Ann Ross, Burlington ON

The Dell/Reid Families Our sincere condolences ~Lee/Elizabeth Beam

~ Lee/Elizabeth Beam

All of us who had the privilege of working with Anita always appreciated her warm spirit and the love for others that was constantly displayed. Our sympathy to John and the family.

~ Terry Rushton

Dear John and family, Please accept our sincere condolences at Anita's passing. She was a rare lady and will be much missed.

~ Deb Woodward and Hugh Burdon

It has been many years since we have spoken, but you and John have always been in our hearts. You will be missed

~ Marv and Sandy Caton

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London Ontario Ark Aid

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